Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Lo U

Idea 1. (Fork Head) A: Ensure your handphone's safety while eating
                               Lo: Cost of materials and pay of designers and manufacturer
                               U: 'Fork Head' on a handphone
Idea 2. (FCPS) A: Helps you to decide on what to eat at a food centre when you are not sure what you wan to eat.
                        Lo: The amount of money needed to be spent on satellite programming.
                        U: Instead of an everyday 'GPS' its an extraordinary 'FCPS'.
Idea 3. (Handphone Container for Utensils) A: A little container for utensils, easy to carry around and your handphone still works fine.
                                                                     Lo: The size of the handphone and how to get the stocks for retractable and extendable utensils.
                                                                     U: A handphone-cum-utensils box.
Idea 4. (Holographic Food Centre Guide) A: A very functional app that allows you to get info from the food stall you are buying from.
                                                                Lo: Cost for programming the system and the time needed to compile the needed data.
                                                                U: Just a holographic guide who knows a lot about food.

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