Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why the iPad was succesful

  • It was affordable and it has advantages which were the disadvantages of many laptops and mobile phone.
  • Disadvantages of a laptop: Too bulky, Not portable
  • Disadvantages of a mobile phone: Too small, Screen ia small so may be difficult to read text off the screen, buttons are also small so people with big hands wil have trouble pressing the right buttons
  • Advantages of the iPad: Not too big or small, Screen is of reasonable size, Quite easy to carry around, Fits into haversacks and handbags, On-screen buttons are pretty large so people with large hands will not have trouble pressing the right buttons
  • Reason for the iPads' success: It was a revolutionary product which was targeted at all genders and all ages (well most age groups), It was an Apple product which a lot of people like, Products like the iPhone and iPod were some examples that Apple products look good and function well

Why I think Ford Motor failed with Edsel

Their marketing strategy was not planned well enough. The cars released were far too expensive for everyday people. The cars did not have good advertising and the car was new and not known to many people. Their choice of advertising agency might not have been the best choice as well. Although the cars were of higher power than ordinary cars, the market as looking for better looking cars , so their cars were not able to attract the market. In the end, they had catered their cars to the wrong market, so they had not been able sell their cars.

What did I learn from Steve Jobs

I learnt that we must make full use of our talents and explore where other dare not explore. By doing that, we can always achieve something that people have never achieved before. We can use other products as an inspiration to innovate something that blends in to our products and improve it at the same time. To meet the demands of the markets of different people so that we can be successful. By having a vision, we can create new markets and new products that make the world a better place for everyone to live in.
And by creating a product that is pleasant for the eye, functional yet durable. Enhancing the human experience with technology will attract thousands of people to buy the product. And by doing so, we would have achieved something that others have not achieved before.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Lo U

Idea 1. (Fork Head) A: Ensure your handphone's safety while eating
                               Lo: Cost of materials and pay of designers and manufacturer
                               U: 'Fork Head' on a handphone
Idea 2. (FCPS) A: Helps you to decide on what to eat at a food centre when you are not sure what you wan to eat.
                        Lo: The amount of money needed to be spent on satellite programming.
                        U: Instead of an everyday 'GPS' its an extraordinary 'FCPS'.
Idea 3. (Handphone Container for Utensils) A: A little container for utensils, easy to carry around and your handphone still works fine.
                                                                     Lo: The size of the handphone and how to get the stocks for retractable and extendable utensils.
                                                                     U: A handphone-cum-utensils box.
Idea 4. (Holographic Food Centre Guide) A: A very functional app that allows you to get info from the food stall you are buying from.
                                                                Lo: Cost for programming the system and the time needed to compile the needed data.
                                                                U: Just a holographic guide who knows a lot about food.

Force Fitting